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The Provincial Hospital affiliated to Shandong First Medical University successfully held the training course on the improvement of minimally invasive digestive interventional diagnosis and treatment technology of the Gastroenterology Branch of Shandong Medical Association

Source: Gastroenterology Department Release time: 2024-09-06 Number of views:

In order to further promote the standard development of minimally invasive digestive diagnosis and treatment technology,Improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases inside and outside the province,August 26-29,Sponsored by the gastroenterology Branch of Shandong Medical Association,The training course and group meeting on the improvement of minimally invasive digestive diagnosis and treatment technology organized by the Group of Minimally invasive Digestive Intervention and the Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Provincial Hospital of Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Provincial Hospital) were successfully held in Jinan。Xu Hongwei, Chairman of gastroenterology Branch of Shandong Medical Association and director of gastroenterology Department of Provincial Hospital,Hu Jinhua, chairman designate of digestive disease interventional diagnosis and Treatment branch of Shandong Medical Association,Zhao Shulei, group leader of digestive minimally invasive intervention, Gastroenterology Branch of Shandong Medical Association,Provincial hospital gastroenterology sub-specialty team leaders, young and middle-aged backbone experts attended the training course。

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Group photo of the opening ceremony of the training class

The 4-day training course was organized by the sub-specialized groups of the Gastroenterology Department of Provincial Hospital, covering the theoretical teaching and practical operation in the fields of early gastrointestinal cancer, biliary and pancreatic diseases, liver disease and portal hypertension, inflammatory bowel disease and functional gastrointestinal diseases。The training course has a variety of forms, such as thematic theoretical lectures, case reports and discussions, endoscopic surgery demonstrations, endoscopic simulators and hand-held ESD strap teaching of isolated animal models。


Director Xu Hongwei lectured on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in

Application of screening for early cancer of Digestive Tract


Taught by Professor Hu Jinhua

Application of EUS in Digestive Diseases


Taught by Professor Jiang Junmei

Progress in Endoscopic Treatment of Esophageal diverticulum


Professor Liu Hui teaches "Gastric varicose veins

Diagnosis and Treatment and Prevention of Complications


Professor Hao Jinghua lectures on "2023 Inflammation

Interpretation of the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Intestinal Diseases (Therapy)


Zhao Shulei lectured on gallstone combination

Endoscopic cholelithiasis Therapy for bile duct stones


Feng Hua lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 2023

Guide Interpretation (Diagnosis)


Taught by Wang Guangchuan

Interventional Diagnosis and Treatment of esophageal and Gastric varices


Li Jiamei lectures "Pathological Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease"


Jing Haiyan lectures on Pancreatic tumor Endoscopy

Pathologic Diagnosis by Guided fine Needle Puncture


Feng Jizhen lecture "Imaging Diagnosis of Biliary Tract Diseases"


Wang Hongbo lectures on the Latest Progress of Liver Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment


Li Bin teaches "ERCP after Gastrointestinal Tract Modification"


Taught by Pei Qingshan

Endoscopic Diagnosis of Fundus gland type Gastric Cancer


Ge Jian teaches "Discussion from the case

Endoscopic diagnosis of early Gastric Cancer after sterilization


Jia Ruzhen teaches "ESD Operation Specifications and Skills"


Chen Yong teaches "Interpretation of Interventional Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Liver Cancer"


Zhang Xiaohua IBD case sharing


Taught by Li Jingwen

Diagnosis and Treatment of Portal Vein Thrombosis in Liver Cirrhosis


Liu Juan lectured on Updating UC Guidelines in China,

Initiating biologics Earlier

In the training course,Xu Hongwei, Hu Jinhua, Jiang Junmei and other experts made special presentations on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in screening for early gastrointestinal cancer, the application of EUS in digestive diseases, and Progress in Endoscopic Treatment of esophageal diverticulum,Experts from medical imaging and pathology departments were invited to share the progress of diagnosis and treatment research。The training course also carried out a number of case reporting and discussion activities, allowing participants to actively interact with experts to deeply discuss the diagnosis and treatment management of typical cases and difficult cases。


Professor Jiang Junmei conducted ESD operation demonstration


Zhao Shulei performs ERCP operation demonstration


Zhao Shulei and Xu Changqin perform ERAT operation demonstration


Professor Liu Hui performs cirrhosis

Demonstration of endoscopic treatment of esophageal varices


Participants watch the broadcast of surgical demonstration


Xu Changqin for digestive endoscope simulator teaching


Shi Lei teaches ESD simulation in vitro animals


Xu Changqin presided over the theory of diagnosis and treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases


Yu Shuxia hosted the broadcast of endoscopic surgery demonstration


Director Xu Hongwei and participants interactive discussion

And summarize this training course


Participants in the training course made speeches

In digestive endoscopy and interventional surgery demonstration and endoscopic simulator and in vitro animal model operation teaching links,Junmei Jiang, Shulei Zhao, Changqin Xu, Hui Liu and other experts demonstrated a variety of endoscopic and interventional procedures,Such as EUS+FNA, ERCP after digestive tract reconstruction, ERAT of appendix, enteroscopy, EVS ESD/ESE/POEM, TACE, PTCD and other techniques, specifications, skills and precautions。


Gao Guide and Xu Hongwei presented the completion certificates to the students

Under the guidance of experts, the students combined theory with practice, broadened their vision of medical knowledge, improved the skills of endoscopy and minimally invasive intervention, and mastered more cutting-edge and standardized concepts and techniques of digestive endoscopy and interventional diagnosis and treatment。At the completion ceremony, the students shared their training experience, and they said that they had gained a lot and benefited a lot, and were full of confidence in the future digestive endoscopy and minimally invasive digestive intervention diagnosis and treatment。Gao Guide, assistant president of the Provincial Hospital and director of the scientific Research Department, and Professor Xu Hongwei, director of the gastroenterology Department, presented the completion certificates to the students。


The training course attracted 20 gastroenterology and gastroendoscopy doctors from Jiangsu, Gansu, Liaoning, Fujian, Hunan, Henan and Shandong provinces to participate in the on-site learning, and more than 100 students participated in the learning through online live broadcast。The successful holding of the training course fully demonstrated the outstanding achievements of the construction of digestive sub-specialty in provincial hospitals and the style of young and middle-aged experts, while further improving the comprehensive level of diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases in our province, and expanding the influence of digestive specialist in our province in China。